List of U.S. state partition proposals

This is a list of official or otherwise noteworthy proposals for dividing existing US states into multiple states. It does not specifically address statewide or other movements to secede from the United States. The word secession can refer to political separation at different levels of government organization, from city to state to country; this list focuses on secession from (rather than by) U.S. states, particularly to form new U.S. states.

Article IV of the United States Constitution provides for the creation of new states of the Union, requiring that any such creation be approved by the legislature of the affected state(s), as well as the United States Congress.

Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, four states have been created from parts of an existing state: Maine (from Massachusetts), West Virginia (from Virginia), Kentucky (also from Virginia), and Vermont (from New York) — though New York's claim to Vermont was weak, as it was asked for its consent and Vermont was essentially an independent republic until 1791. In the case of West Virginia, it formed itself as the legitimate government of Virginia within the Union, then essentially gave itself permission to leave Virginia in order to avoid annexation by the Confederacy.

Many other state secession attempts resulted from internal divisions over the formation of the Confederate States of America. While majorities of states may have voted to secede and join the Confederacy, or remain in the Union, even in those years regional and cultural ties prompted portions of the populations of those states to strongly favor the other side.

Since the creation of West Virginia in 1864, no states have been successfully created from parts of already existing states.[1]




On February 10, 2011, Tucson politicians and activists representing at least three political parties launched the Facebook page "Start our State", seeking to secede from Arizona.[3] The idea, first proposed in the 1980s by Hugh Holub, began to gather steam quickly after a front-page article about the movement in the Arizona Daily Star on February 24, 2011.[4] Around 1986, Holub proposed to separate Arizona at the Gila River (between Phoenix and Tucson, which until the Gadsden Purchase in 1853 also formed part of the Mexico – United States border) following the election of Governor Evan Mecham, who, before being impeached and removed from office, cancelled the state's celebration of Martin Luther King Day. (This led to a widespread economic boycott of Arizona.)

Partition gained new advocates during the governorship (2009– ) of Jan Brewer. The nascent movement, which excoriates Brewer's "open chauvinism,"[5] appears committed to making Pima County (and possibly surrounding counties, and part of New Mexico) the State of Baja Arizona. Pima County, by itself, is larger in area than both New Jersey and Connecticut, and has a population greater than Vermont and Delaware.[5]




Up until 1786, Connecticut enforced a claim to land in Pennsylvania, extending into the Wyoming Valley, that had been granted to the state in its colonial charter. Connecticut formed one county in this territory called Westmoreland County (distinct from present-day Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania) and encouraged settlement by Connecticuters. Between 1752 and 1782, there were a series of armed conflicts between Pennsylvanians and the Connecticut settlers, until Congress declared the area to be part of Pennsylvania. In response to the ruling in their favor, Pennsylvania annulled the voting and land rights of the Connecticuters and drove them out. In late 1784, the ousted settlers returned in force, overtook Fort Dickinson, and seceded the county from both states as the State of Westmoreland. To avoid civil war, Pennsylvania reversed itself in 1786 and granted Pennsylvania citizenship and property titles to the Connecticuters, and Westmoreland agreed to be subsumed into Pennsylvania as Luzerne County.[10]


Prior to the American Revolution, the three counties of Delaware were known as the Lower Counties on the Delaware River, part of the Province of Pennsylvania but with a separate tax structure and court system. In 1776, after being granted "independence" from Pennsylvania control, Delaware declared independence from Great Britain as an outright state.[11]


Politicians in the South Florida metropolitan area have made numerous proposals to split Florida into two states—North Florida and South Florida.[12] They argue that southern Florida is politically and culturally distinct from northern Florida, and that not enough tax money goes to the Miami area. They also argue that politicians in Tallahassee ignore southern Florida. If South Florida became the 51st state, it would be made up of 4 counties: Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe.

An attempt was made in 2008 to split Florida into North Florida and South Florida, but that proposal failed. However, as recently as 2011 proposals were still being made to split Florida in half,[1] as in this quote from South Floridians:

"We'd have Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Miami. They'd have Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville. We'd have Donald Trump. They'd have Donald Duck. We'd have the Keys. They'd have the Redneck Riviera. We'd have Big Sugar. They'd have Big Citrus. We'd have the Dolphins and the Hurricanes. They'd have the Gators and the 'Noles. We'd have the Everglades. They'd have Busch Gardens. We'd have casinos. They'd have school prayer. We'd have same-sex marriages. They'd have the defense-of-marriage act."[1]






Maine was initially part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Politicians of Aroostook County have proposed spinning off the county as a new state since the 1990s. As recently as 2005 the question has been brought up before the state legislature.[21] Proposed names for this state include Aroostook, Acadia, and North Maine.

Representative Henry Joy submitted legislation March 9, 2010 after seeing a report that a group called Restore: The North Woods submitted a plan to preserve 3,200,000 acres (13,000 km2) of forest in northern Maine. Rep. Joy says environmentalists have a plan to take control of 10 million acres (40,000 km2) in northern Maine and hand it over to the government for preservation, kicking everyone out of their homes and not allowing any further development in the region.

Rep. Joy says Maine needs to be split into two states "so the people of northern Maine can decide their own destiny. They don't like being used as pawns in some giant environmental chess game."

Under Rep. Joy's plan, Maine would include Aroostook, Piscataquis, Somerset, Franklin, Penobscot, and parts of Washington, Hancock and Oxford Counties. The newly created state of Northern Massachusetts would include York, Cumberland, Androscoggin, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Waldo, Knox and Kennebec Counties.


Three times in the Maryland General Assembly legislators have submitted a bill for the 9 Eastern Shore counties of Maryland to secede from the western half of the state and combine with the three counties of the State of Delaware to the northeast and the two Virginia counties to the south to form the state of Delmarva. The most recent was in 1998.[22][23]







In the 1890s residents of the Nebraska Panhandle tired of the state government's refusal to enact water laws (like Wyoming had) to encourage irrigation into the area. Area leaders threatened to secede from Nebraska and join Wyoming, which finally prompted the state to enact the desired laws.[29]


With so much disparity between Las Vegas and Nevada's state capital, Carson City, 450 miles (720 km) away, some have proposed splitting Nevada into two or more states. One proposal has northern Nevada linking with northern California, Southern Nevada splitting away with other regional areas, and eastern Nevada becoming part of Utah.[30] There has also been talk of the city of Wendover, Utah merging with West Wendover, Nevada to become Wendover, Nevada,[31][32] due to tax and economic divides.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire's history is dotted with various movements of communities desiring to secede from the state.

New Jersey

The residents of South Jersey in the counties of Cape May, Cumberland, Salem, Atlantic, Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington have had a long resentment toward North Jersey under the opinion that they are being slighted and ignored by the state government, which is heavily weighted toward North Jersey. As recently as 1980, a non-binding referendum proposing secession from North Jersey was passed by these counties. It was also voted on in Ocean County, but did not pass in Ocean County.

New Mexico

New York

New York City

In the New York City mayoral election of 1969, writer Norman Mailer ran in the Democratic Party primary on a ticket with columnist Jimmy Breslin, who ran for City Council President. Part of their joint platform was a proposal that New York City should secede from New York State and become the 51st state.[42][43] At around the same time, a public-affairs series on the local educational TV station, WNET-TV, channel 13, was called The Fifty-First State.[44]

New York City has existed in its current five-borough configuration since 1898. One of those five, Staten Island, is connected to the rest of the city and state only by one of its four bridges and the Staten Island Ferry. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its 1989 Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris decision that the city's New York City Board of Estimate was a violation of the constitutional principle of one man, one vote, the borough's residents began grumbling about seceding from the city, or even the state, since as the least populous borough their political influence in a more equitable setup would be diminished. Borough residents, a more suburban and middle-class population than the city as a whole, had long felt either ignored or slighted by the rest of the city's population as well. Upon taking office as borough president, former congressman Guy Molinari fired a mock cannon across Upper New York Bay at city government, signalling an intention to secede from the city if the island's concerns were not addressed somehow. So far the island has remained part of the city.

Staten Island's complaints also triggered some talk of secession in Queens, parts of which are demographically similar to those on Staten Island. This, too, has not had any results.

North Carolina

In 1784, the western counties of Greene, Washington, Sullivan, and part of Hawkins county, all of which were then part of the Washington District, North Carolina, voted to secede from the state. They formed the provisional State of Franklin, with Revolutionary War hero John Sevier elected as governor. By 1789, the provisional government had collapsed.

In 1790, the North Carolina state government, tired of the troublesome region, relinquished it to the federal government, creating the Territory South of the River Ohio. Six years later, the territory (including the former counties of Franklin) became the State of Tennessee, with Sevier as governor.[45][46]


In 2005, James B. McCarthy, the county executive of Summit County, which contains Akron, publicly advocated that his county (and the rest of Northeast Ohio) secede as a new state.[47]

Northeastern Ohio has a history of being distinct from the remainder of the state, once known as "New Connecticut" and claimed as the Connecticut Western Reserve.


The remote Oklahoma Panhandle has often cited the distant state government for neglect, and support for secession as a new state has been voiced. Alternate proposals have the region merging with Texas, as the closest major city to the area is Amarillo.

Another proposal would merge Texas's Panhandle with the State of Oklahoma, since residents in that area have more in common with neighboring Oklahomans than they do with more distant Dallas, Austin and Houston.

The ongoing state secessionist movement for Eastern Oklahoma with Tulsa as its largest city and possible state capital has resurfaced at times.

A state of Sequoyah separate from the Oklahoma Territory, to consist of the lands of five Native American tribes (the Cherokee Nation, Chickasaw Nation, Choctaw Nation, Creek Nation (or Muskogees), Seminole Nation and Osage County), was proposed but rejected in favor of the state of Oklahoma in 1907.



Rhode Island




The town of Killington has twice voted (March 2004 and March 2005) to secede from Vermont and become part of the state of New Hampshire. Because the town is not adjacent to the New Hampshire border, this would create an enclave. A similar motion was attempted in Winhall, but was voted down.[59]



Washington, D.C.

The District of Columbia is an insular federal district separate from any state and under direct control of the United States Congress. Residents of the capital have no voting representation in Congress, nor complete control over their local government. There has been a recurring movement since the 1960s to make the District of Columbia into a state in order to permit residents full voting representation in Congress and control over local affairs. An alternate proposal is for Congress to return most of the District of Columbia (excepting the immediate vicinity of the Capitol and White House) to the state of Maryland (a process known as retrocession), as was done with the Virginia portion of the District in 1846.

West Virginia


Confederacy-related proposals


According to legend, upon the secession of Alabama from the United States during the American Civil War, Winston County seceded from the state as the Republic of Winston, and pledged its alliance with the Union. Today citizens of the county still refer to it as the Free State of Winston, which drives the local tourist industry.


During the Civil War, five counties, including Madison County and possibly Marion County, voted against secession from the Union at the second Arkansas Secession Convention. When called upon to renege, four counties did, but Madison, represented by Isaac Murphy, later the state's governor under Reconstruction, resisted. Men of his county fought for the North during the war.


In the 1850s many from Dade County, in the far northwestern corner of the state, threatened to secede from Georgia (and the U.S.) if the state itself did not secede.[64][65]


Shortly before the Civil War, southern Illinois considered seceding from Illinois and joining the Confederacy; a proposed name for the new state was Little Egypt after the region's local name. However, speeches by Union General John A. Logan, a native of the region, convinced many in the region to remain in the Union.[66]


On November 20, 1861, representatives from several counties met at Russellville calling themselves "the Convention of the People of Kentucky" (later known as the Russellville Convention) and passed an Ordinance of Secession. It established a Confederate government of Kentucky with its capital in Bowling Green. Although it remained in the Union, Kentucky was represented by a star on the Confederate battle flag and national flag.


During the Civil War, David Pierson, a young attorney, was elected to represent Winn Parish in northwest central Louisiana at the Secession Convention called by Governor Thomas Overton Moore in Baton Rouge in January 1861. Pierson voted against secession in all votes taken and refused, along with several others, to change his "no" vote at the end of the process when asked to do so in order that the vote for secession be made unanimous. This act of voting "no" has confused some into thinking that Winn Parish refused to secede from the Union and was a de facto Union enclave in the Confederate state of Louisiana called the Free State of Winn.


Local legend has it that Jones County, a haven for Confederate military deserters, declared its independence from both countries. Most people in the county had reservations about the strong central government that the Confederate States of America instated and few if any in the county owned slaves. Although some claim that these rumors turned out to be completely false, the county did serve as a safe haven for Confederate defectors such as Newton Knight. This event was inaccurately dramatized in the 1948 movie Tap Roots.


New York



See also



  1. ^ a b c
  2. ^ Gislason, Eric. "A Brief History of Alaska Statehood". Retrieved ~~~~~. 
  3. ^ "Start Our State".!/startourstate?sk=info.html. Retrieved February 25, 2011. 
  4. ^ Rhonda Bodfield and Andrea Kelly. "Could Baja Arizona be 51st state in US?". Retrieved February 5, 2011. 
  5. ^ a b "Free Baja Arizona".!/group.php?gid=53355405247. Retrieved February 25, 2011. 
  6. ^ Colorado Central Magazine September 1999 Page 37
  7. ^ Huerfano County: Land of Legend & J. F. Coss at the Wayback Machine (archived May 29, 2005)
  8. ^ Colorado Joint Legislative Library. "Legislator Record for Taylor, Samuel Tesitore". Retrieved July 11, 2008. 
  9. ^ Rabson, Diane. "NCAR and UCAR: History in short, Part II". Retrieved July 11, 2008. 
  10. ^ Connecticut's Pennsylvania "Colony" 1754–1810: Susquehanna Company ..., Volume 2 By Donna B. Munger
  11. ^ The Bill of Rights and the States: The Colonial and Revolutionary Origins of American Liberties by Patrick T. Conley
  12. ^,0,5061314.story
  13. ^ Archives of Dade County, editors of Roadside Georgia
  14. ^ South Georgia should secede, By Bill Shipp (Jan. 7, 2008)
  15. ^ Lupton, John. "June 23–29, 2003". Illinois Political Journal
  16. ^ "2 GOP legislators propose separating Cook County from Illinois". November 22, 2011. 
  17. ^ Tarnished eagles: The Court-Martial of Fifty Union Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels Thomas Power Lowry
  18. ^ Declarations of Independence: Encyclopedia of American Autonomous and Secessionist Movement, by James L. Erwin, p. 51
  19. ^ Overby, Peter (1992). "We're outta here!". Common Cause Magazine. 
  20. ^ The American Enterprise: Smaller Is Beautifuller
  21. ^ Bill calls for close look at secession
  22. ^ Partlow, Joshua (April 18, 2005). "Academic Quest Puts Credibility on Line". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 11, 2010. 
  23. ^ Capital News Service wire feed
  24. ^ The many lives of Frederick Douglass by James W. Tuttleton
  25. ^ Vineyard Gazette Online
  26. ^ 51st State NBC News broadcast from the Vanderbilt Television News Archive
  27. ^ | The Free Republic of Duluth: At Last, Real Candidates
  28. ^
  29. ^ A Divided Nebraska
  30. ^
  31. ^ a b Eddington, Mark (November 23, 2002), "Wendovers' Leaders Will Consider Next Move", Salt Lake Tribune 
  32. ^ a b Eddington, Mark (November 27, 2002), "Wendovers Press Ahead on Annexation", Salt Lake Tribune 
  33. ^ The Western Rebellion
  34. ^
  35. ^ News
  36. ^ Brand, Rick (March 27, 2007). "Long Island: The 51st state?". Newsday. Archived from the original on March 31, 2008.,0,3194994.story. Retrieved March 28, 2008. 
  37. ^ Kilgannon, Corey (September 22, 2007). "What Has the Hamptons, 4 Airports and a Hankering for Independence?". New York Times. Retrieved August 9, 2008. 
  38. ^ Goldstein, David (September 22, 2007). "Staking a claim for the .ILI TLD". Retrieved August 10, 2009. 
  39. ^ Haberman, Clyde (April 30, 2009). "Trying Again and Again to Secede". New York Times. Retrieved August 10, 2009. 
  40. ^ Tagliaferro, Linda (May 6, 2009). "Should Long Island Become A State?". Retrieved August 10, 2009. 
  41. ^ Yashlavsky, Andrey (May 6, 2009). "Разъединенные Штаты Америки (The Disunited States of America)". Московский Комсомолец (Moskovsky Komsomolets). Retrieved August 10, 2009. 
  42. ^ Roberts, Sam. "Podcast: Remembering Mailer for Mayor" City Room weblog, New York Times (November 14, 2007)
  43. ^ Breslin, Jimmy "I Run to Win" New York (May 5, 1969)
  44. ^ "James Day, 89" Current (May 12, 2008) – obituary for the man who was head of WNET at the time
  45. ^ Education Update – Spotlight on Schools
  46. ^ Handley History, Genealogy
  47. ^ 2005 February 08 | Brewed Fresh Daily
  48. ^ portland imc – 2003.02.27 – People's Republic of Multnomah? Let's Secede from Oregon, USA
  49. ^ Wright, Phil (April 25, 2008). "Group eyes Eastern Oregon as 51st state". Eastern Oregonia n. Retrieved April 25, 2008. 
  50. ^ Federalist No. 6 Footnotes
  51. ^ University of California at Davis Law Review
  52. ^
  53. ^ storypg
  54. ^ Footnotes to History: van Zandt
  55. ^ Urban Legends Reference Pages: Texas Dividing into Five States
  56. ^ Texas Cities and Counties Name and Location Confusion
  57. ^ Burr, Thomas (April 2, 2005), "Reid: Yucca should be junked", Salt Lake Tribune 
  58. ^ Utah Legislature HJR006
  59. ^ Winhall voters to be asked whether to join New Hampshire, Boston Globe
  60. ^ "Will Northern Virginia Become the 51st State?", Jaybird's Jottings, October 28, 2008,, retrieved December 5, 2008 
  61. ^ "Will Northern Virginia Become the 51st State?", Washingtonian, November 1, 2008,, retrieved December 5, 2008 
  62. ^ "McCain aide defines 'real Virginia'", CNN, October 18, 2008,, retrieved December 5, 2008 
  63. ^ History
  64. ^ Dade County, Georgia, History, Resources, Links, and Events
  65. ^
  66. ^ [1]
  67. ^ Story: Kinder column December 12, 2004
  68. ^ Tucker, John (2011-01-18). New York town that belonged to the Confederate States of America.. WGRZ. Retrieved April 1, 2011.
  69. ^ [2]
  70. ^ Upper South and Border States' secession
  71. ^
